Since January 1, 2020, the manufacturing and importing of Freon (also known as R22 and HCFC-22) has been permanently banned. If your home air conditioner relies on R22, you don’t need to worry—you’ll be able to use pre-existing and reclaimed supplies during the R22 phaseout in Tampa, FL until your air conditioner’s lifespan is complete. If you bought your unit after January 1, 2010, however, chances are that your unit relies on a different kind of coolant. After that date, the production of air conditioners that rely on R22 was banned. This was to give average homeowners and consumers the... View Article
As a homeowner, you’ve gotten pretty good at keeping your house clean. You vacuum, sweep and dust regularly. You wipe down the ceiling fans and take out the trash. You do your dishes and make sure your laundry is clean. Add all that up, and you may believe you’re getting rid of all the dust and dirt inside your four walls. However, you’d be wrong. The air ducts that travel through your home are continually gathering dust and germs. If you’re not considering duct cleaning in Tampa, FL, you could be at risk for several issues. Excessive illness or allergies... View Article
So, the time has come to replace your old air conditioning unit with a new, energy-efficient one. This means calling around for quotes and discussing with HVAC technicians the best AC unit size and model for your needs. Once you select your new air conditioner, you’ll need to schedule a day to have it installed. It won’t take long to put the air conditioning unit in place, but the total length of the installation process time will depend on factors like your home’s electrical system and capacity and whether you’ve decided to update the ductwork at the same time. It’s... View Article
When most people think about the air in their home, their minds go to the big beating heart at the center of their HVAC setup: the air conditioning unit. When something goes wrong with the air conditioning, the average homeowner looks to this central unit for signs of trouble. Sometimes that approach works out, but what happens when you’re experiencing issues with your AC, and there appears to be nothing wrong with the unit itself? It’s time to look past your HVAC unit and into your home’s circulatory system: it’s air ducts. Floridians with AC problems may be experiencing duct... View Article
If a home or commercial building you own has a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, then it’s up to you to ensure it stays in good condition all year long—especially come winter. Different seasons bring different HVAC problems, but winter is not the season to have to worry about major maintenance needs. Below are the top six reasons for HVAC repair in Tampa, FL during the winter months: Dirty air filters: Your HVAC system’s air filters can become dirty or clogged at any time of the year, but winter tends to bring more issues in this department. The... View Article