With humidity levels consistently in the mid to upper 70s, Florida residents are no strangers to high humidity. Though we’re used to muggy days outside, we don’t always expect to come home to a humid home. Many Florida homes are too humid, though, which begs the question, what is the ideal humidity level in Tampa, FL? Experts agree that the perfect indoor humidity level is anywhere from 40 to 60 percent. Though you’ll feel it on your skin and see the water droplets on surfaces if your home is too humid, you can get an accurate reading using a handheld... View Article
With so much humidity outside, it’s no wonder that homes in Florida often feel humid, too. High indoor humidity is bad news—it leads to higher energy bills, decreased comfort and poor air quality. Fortunately, lowering home humidity levels in Tampa, FL is easier than most people think. Follow these steps to keep your indoor humidity where it needs to be: Increase air movement: Stagnant indoor air is a top contributor to a hot and humid home. Nip that problem in the bud by running ceiling fans throughout your home. In addition to lowering the indoor humidity, ceiling fans help keep... View Article
AC coils support the heat transfer that is vital to proper functioning of your HVAC system. One of the tasks performed during an HVAC maintenance appointment in Tampa, FL is cleaning the coils thoroughly to support this process. While you should leave cleaning primarily to the professionals, there are ways to keep coils clean between appointments. Here are six tips to help you out: Do not touch: AC coils and the fins on the evaporator are delicate. They bend easily, and DIY efforts can damage them. Your HVAC professional uses equipment that can clean them thoroughly without causing damage. So,... View Article
AC maintenance keeps HVAC systems efficient and reliable. We are stuck inside for longer periods right now, and that makes regular AC maintenance in Tampa, FL much more essential. Generally, an HVAC contractor should visit for a maintenance appointment twice a year, although for some systems, once a year may be sufficient. No matter the frequency of maintenance, you need to make cleaning your AC coils a priority if you want your system to run well. This overview explains why. AC efficiency The primary reason to stay current on AC maintenance and cleaning the AC coils is energy efficiency. When... View Article
Replacing a furnace or air conditioner can be very costly, which is why most home and business owners prefer to wait until as late as possible to invest in a new system. However, this isn’t always the best option for homes and businesses. In fact, it often makes more sense to invest in HVAC installation in Tampa, FL while your existing system is still working. Keep reading to learn more about how to get the most out of HVAC replacement. When to replace an HVAC system All HVAC systems will need to be replaced eventually. Over time, parts begin to... View Article