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Why Should I Replace My Working Furnace or Air Conditioner?

August 21, 2020

Replacing a furnace or air conditioner can be very costly, which is why most home and business owners prefer to wait until as late as possible to invest in a new system. However, this isn’t always the best option for homes and businesses. In fact, it often makes more sense to invest in HVAC installation in Tampa, FL while your existing system is still working. Keep reading to learn more about how to get the most out of HVAC replacement. When to replace an HVAC system All HVAC systems will need to be replaced eventually. Over time, parts begin to... View Article

How Often Should I Replace My HVAC Filter?

August 7, 2020

Now that summer is in full swing, chances are you are relying on your air conditioning system more than ever. The last thing that you want to deal with on a hot summer day is a broken AC system, and that’s why it’s so important to invest time into routine maintenance to keep your system in the best shape possible all year round. With that in mind, make sure you stay on track with some important maintenance tasks to optimize the performance of your AC system. HVAC maintenance basics AC maintenance in Tampa, FL includes a variety of preventative services... View Article

What Kinds of Things Can Happen Without Regular HVAC Maintenance?

July 20, 2020

Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibilities—there’s always something that needs to be tuned up or replaced! One critical component of each home that needs regular maintenance is the HVAC system. Continue reading to learn what can go wrong if regular HVAC maintenance in Tampa, FL is neglected: Dirty interior air: Pollen, dust, mold and other nasty indoor allergens can thrive in HVAC systems and ductwork. Though there will probably always be some contaminants floating around in your home, neglecting to maintain your HVAC system will only worsen the issue. A thorough cleaning of your system and ducts... View Article

Why Does Your AC System Need Regular Maintenance?

July 6, 2020

Running your air conditioning is often the only way to stay cool during the summer months. However, you can’t just turn on your AC and expect it to work as it should. Central AC units are complex systems that require professional AC maintenance in Tampa, FL to perform at their best. This post will cover a few of the reasons why scheduling seasonal maintenance is so crucial: Prevent breakdowns: The top reason to call a pro for maintenance is to avoid a mid-season breakdown. During the routine maintenance visit, your professional will clean your entire system, fine-tune all components and... View Article

What Is the Ideal Humidity Level?

June 18, 2020

There are many benefits that come with reducing the humidity level inside your home. It will make your home more comfortable in some of the warmest parts of the Florida summer, while also improving your indoor air quality in a variety of ways. If you are to get the best results out of your air conditioning and dehumidifying processes, then it’s good to know the ideal humidity level you should be shooting for in your Tampa, FL home. Most experts recommend maintaining indoor air humidity levels of between 40 and 60 percent. You can measure your indoor humidity levels with... View Article

Kenny's Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc.