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The Benefits of Ductless Mini Split AC System

March 23, 2021

Are you looking for a way to keep your home or office cool, without having to install a central cooling system? Ductless mini split AC systems might be the answer for your Tampa, FL building. These smaller units are suitable for cooling homes, apartments, conference rooms and more. What’s even better is the fact that they’re portable, so you can take them with you if you move to a different location. Like traditional air conditioner systems, these units have both an indoor and outdoor component, but they’re much smaller. Together, the indoor and outdoor components work to keep your space... View Article

An Introduction to Evaporative Coolers

March 9, 2021

Florida is known for its warm weather practically year-round. While many people use traditional air conditioners to keep their homes and businesses cool, there’s another option available. Evaporative coolers, also known as swamp coolers, are another great way to keep temperatures comfortable in your Tampa, FL space. They can also bring your cooling costs down. Here’s an overview of the benefits you’ll enjoy when you install your own evaporative cooler. How they work If you’ve ever enjoyed a cool breeze coming off the water, you’re familiar with how an evaporative cooler works. Instead of blowing air over refrigerant-filled coils, which... View Article

Is Custom Ductwork a Good Option?

February 16, 2021

Raise your hand if this has ever happened to you: Even when you turn on the air conditioner, it doesn’t seem to ever get cool enough in your house. This might be caused by the wrong kind or size of ductwork in your HVAC system. Fortunately, there are ways to fix this problem (or avoid it altogether) with custom HVAC ductwork installation in Tampa, FL. If you’re looking to get a new HVAC system, it’s a good idea to consider investing in custom ductwork as well. This will ensure your system is connected correctly and functioning properly now and for... View Article

HVAC Energy Saving Tips for Spring

February 2, 2021

We all know summer is the hottest time of year, but spring isn’t exactly cool, either. Even before summer arrives, you may find yourself running your HVAC system in spring to cool off your home in Tampa, FL. To escape the heat (and the humidity), we tend to stay indoors, where the temperature is cooler. That change in climate doesn’t come from nowhere, though—it takes energy to keep your HVAC system maintaining the temperature at a comfortable level. Here are some tips for HVAC energy saving in Tampa, FL to help you stay comfortable indoors: Keep hot air out: No... View Article

Is a Window Unit Worth the Money?

January 19, 2021

Here in Tampa, the weather can get very hot—especially during the summer months. While all that hot, sunny weather is great for getting outside and enjoying the beach, it can make it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature at home. For many people, having AC in the home is essential, and it can make a huge difference in comfort around the house when the temperatures rise. If you’re thinking about purchasing window AC units in Tampa, FL, you might be wondering whether they are worth the money. Keep reading to learn more about window AC units and whether these are... View Article

Kenny's Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc.