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How Often Should You Replace Your HVAC Air Filter?

July 11, 2022

Air conditioners typically break down when you need them the most. The truth of the matter is that with proper AC maintenance, you can ensure that your AC will survive during the times you need it the most. The wintertime is the best season to make sure that your A/C is functioning at its tip-top best. While the AC is the last thing you may be thinking about during the colder months, it is a great time to change the filter and mend things that require fixing. Once you tell your friends that you changed your air filter in December, they... View Article

What AC Units Are Sustainable for the Environment?

July 4, 2022

Are you looking for an eco-friendly cooling option for your home? Keeping your home at the right temperature can be a process that takes up a lot of energy. AC units are a common way to cool your home. More modernized versions can keep your home’s interior at the right temperature with less energy use. Sustainable Air Conditioning for Your Home There are many residential air conditioning systems to choose from that are sustainable. Here are some tips you can implement to save energy and cool down your home. Improve the Eco Credentials of the AC Unit There really is... View Article

How Long Should an Air Conditioner Run in the Summer?

June 13, 2022

It’s summer again, which means that it’s time for you to prepare your air conditioner to keep you feeling cool and fresh. If you’re a new homeowner, you might be wondering “How long should I have my air conditioner running in the summer?” This is actually an important, practical question, especially if you’re in charge of paying your own bills. While you were living with your parents as a kid, you most probably did not have to think about this, because the responsibility falls on your parents.  Now that you’re living on your own, or have started your own family,... View Article

What Are The Signs I Need New Ductwork?

June 13, 2022

Air ducts play a critical role in enhancing the effectiveness of your heating and cooling unit and are vital to cooling and heating your home. Unfortunately, during HVAC maintenance and repairs, it’s common for air ducts to be ignored. This means that homeowners don’t pay too much attention to their air ducts as they feel there are other critical areas to check. This article discusses how to know if I need ductwork done and what are the signs I need new ductwork. 1. Uneven Heating and Cooling Heating and cooling should be even throughout your home. If you have rooms... View Article

Should I Have My Air Ducts In My Home Cleaned?

May 18, 2022

Your air ducts are the passageways in your home that carry warm and cool air throughout your house. Over time, they can become filled with dust and dirt that can cause your family allergic reactions and other respiratory problems. You may have been thinking about getting your home’s air ducts cleaned. There are many reasons to consider this home project.  Should I Get My Air Ducts Cleaned? The short answer is yes. Air ducts provide a critical function in your home to keep consistent comfort and temperature in each room, regardless of the time of year. Air in your home... View Article

Kenny's Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc.