You’ll be hard pressed to live in comfort in Florida without central air conditioning, so it’s important that you stay on top of your HVAC maintenance in Tampa, FL so you’re not left to look for alternative cooling methods when it gets particularly hot and humid outside. Here are just a few of the most common items you should pay attention to with regard to your central air conditioner’s maintenance: Filters: One of the most common causes of malfunctions or poor operation of a central air conditioner is a dirty or clogged air filter. Your manufacturer’s instruction manual will have... View Article
If you want to maximize the lifespan of your HVAC system, it’s important to give it some regular maintenance. Beyond just preventing large problems from forming within your system, a tune up will also save you money in that it prevents you from having to splurge for massive repair costs that would have been unnecessary had you simply kept up with preventative maintenance. So how do you know if your AC needs a tune up? Here’s some information from an HVAC contractor in Tampa, FL to keep in mind: The unit is making a lot of noise: If you’ve noticed... View Article
If you live in a hot, humid climate, you’re going to want a cooling system that both lowers your home’s temperature and its humidity levels. There are two main cooling options you have to choose from when working with an HVAC contractor in Tampa, FL: evaporative coolers (also referred to as “swamp coolers”) and standard air conditioners. Both will cool your home, but using different methods. Here are some comparisons between the two to help you determine which makes the most sense for your home. Cooling methods Swamp coolers are ideal for low-humidity environments, as they work by passing air... View Article
A mini split system, also known as a ductless HVAC system, is an efficient option for heating or cooling your home that is certain to provide consistent comfort in a given room. However, this type of HVAC option is not necessarily right for every homeowner. Here is some information from an HVAC contractor in Tampa, FL about the pros and cons of a mini split and whether such a system could be right for your home. The pros and cons of a mini split Ductless HVAC system usually consist of wall-mounted units indoors and compressors outdoors. These systems tend to... View Article