Categories for Humidity

What’s the Ideal Humidity Level?

October 21, 2020

With humidity levels consistently in the mid to upper 70s, Florida residents are no strangers to high humidity. Though we’re used to muggy days outside, we don’t always expect to come home to a humid home. Many Florida homes are too humid, though, which begs the question, what is the ideal humidity level in Tampa, FL? Experts agree that the perfect indoor humidity level is anywhere from 40 to 60 percent. Though you’ll feel it on your skin and see the water droplets on surfaces if your home is too humid, you can get an accurate reading using a handheld... View Article

How to Keep Indoor Humidity Levels in Check

October 7, 2020

With so much humidity outside, it’s no wonder that homes in Florida often feel humid, too. High indoor humidity is bad news—it leads to higher energy bills, decreased comfort and poor air quality. Fortunately, lowering home humidity levels in Tampa, FL is easier than most people think. Follow these steps to keep your indoor humidity where it needs to be: Increase air movement: Stagnant indoor air is a top contributor to a hot and humid home. Nip that problem in the bud by running ceiling fans throughout your home. In addition to lowering the indoor humidity, ceiling fans help keep... View Article

What Is the Ideal Humidity Level?

June 18, 2020

There are many benefits that come with reducing the humidity level inside your home. It will make your home more comfortable in some of the warmest parts of the Florida summer, while also improving your indoor air quality in a variety of ways. If you are to get the best results out of your air conditioning and dehumidifying processes, then it’s good to know the ideal humidity level you should be shooting for in your Tampa, FL home. Most experts recommend maintaining indoor air humidity levels of between 40 and 60 percent. You can measure your indoor humidity levels with... View Article

Why Does High Humidity Degrade Air Quality?

June 4, 2020

High humidity and living in the state of Florida go hand in hand. If you’ve lived down here for any extended period of time, you grow used to it pretty quickly. That being said, the vast majority of people would much rather escape the humidity when they enter their homes, rather than having to deal with it 24/7. What exactly makes high humidity uncomfortable, and how does it degrade indoor air quality in Tampa, FL? There are several issues to consider. Sweat production First, there’s the issue of how your body produces sweat. Sweat is designed to keep your body... View Article

Lowering Home Humidity Levels

April 10, 2020

If you live in Florida, then there’s no doubt you and your family have experienced high humidity. Indoor humidity is made worse by the outdoor relative humidity, as it’s known to reach 90 percent or higher. The good news is that there are things you can do and steps you can take to lower and stabilize indoor humidity levels in just about every area of your home. Changes need to be made, but you should avoid making drastic changes until you have a better idea of humidity and the ideal level for home comfort. Keep your humidity in check! Here’s... View Article

Kenny's Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc.