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The Benefits Of Regular HVAC Maintenance

March 27, 2023

The Benefits Of Regular HVAC Maintenance Your HVAC system is what keeps your house comfortable year-round. Taking preventative maintenance steps like cleaning your ducts is important for ensuring that your home heats and cools as evenly as possible. It is also essential for minimizing the risk of breakdowns. These problems are uncomfortable and costly to repair, not to mention they could endanger your family’s safety. Reduced Repair Costs The cost of repairing an HVAC system is often very expensive, especially if the problem is large and requires the services of a professional. By keeping up with regular maintenance, you can keep... View Article

5 Tips For Choosing The Right HVAC Contractor

March 27, 2023

5 Tips For Choosing The Right HVAC Contractor Choosing the right HVAC contractor is essential when your heating and cooling system breaks down. 1. Get A Written Estimate Getting a written estimate for your project is an important part of doing business. It reassures customers that they didn’t just get a ballpark figure and gives them something to go by when they make a decision. A written estimate also protects both parties in the event of a dispute. It should clearly outline the job, including labor, materials and equipment costs. It’s also a good idea to check if the contractor offers any... View Article

Ductwork Maintenance Tips for Preventing Leaks

December 5, 2022

It’s all around us. In our homes and offices and buildings everywhere, but too often we never worry about ductwork until we discover a problem. From leaks to a lack of heating and cooling efficiency or rising expenses, most of these problems are completely avoidable. Getting professional maintenance tips for ductwork and taking precautions for preventing duct leaks is how to stop those problems before they begin. If you don’t want to pay more for your heating and cooling, and if you want a healthier, cleaner, more comfortable, and safer living or working environment, your ductwork can help. Unfortunately, ductwork issues can... View Article

Ductwork Insulation Tips for Reducing Noise

November 21, 2022

Home is where the heart is, and businesses are where the money is made. Yet, at the same time, homes and many other buildings can be loud, chaotic places. That’s why more and more folks are looking to soundproof their residencies and businesses. Anyone looking for peace and quiet needs to consider how to soundproof HVAC systems. First, HVAC systems can generate a lot of noise on their own. The air conditioning motor or heat unit may produce a lot of noise while delivering hot or cold air. In some cases, the noise may be so loud that you’ll struggle... View Article

Ductwork Cleaning Tips for Removing Dust and Debris

October 24, 2022

Having clean air in your home is very important. Your air ducts are one part of your home that needs to be kept in good condition and clean to ensure good air quality. The ducts are responsible for moving heated and cooled air through your home. While they can last a long time, they do accumulate dust and debris over the years. Fortunately, there are various ductwork cleaning tips that you can follow that will help ensure your ducts remain clean and that you have good air quality.  Be Safe When Cleaning Ducts While cleaning air ducts is not an overly... View Article

Kenny's Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc.