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What You Need to Know About Changing Your AC Filter

August 1, 2019

When you consider how warm and humid Tampa is for most of the year, you get a sense of just how much you rely on your air conditioning throughout the year to stay comfortable in your home. Not only does it keep your home cool, but it also cuts down on humidity, reduces the amount of allergens that flow through the air in your home and helps to keep your home a little more dust-free than it would otherwise be. Of course, all air conditioning must undergo some regular maintenance, and a big part of that is keeping up with... View Article

Benefits of New HVAC Installation in Tampa, FL

July 15, 2019

In case you haven’t noticed the recent soaring temperatures, it’s officially summertime in Florida! That means one thing: it’s time to start spending more time by the pool or upgrade your air conditioning system so you can stay comfortable in your own home. This post will go over the benefits of calling a professional today to schedule HVAC installation in Tampa, FL: Round-the-clock comfort: Morning, afternoon and night, you’ll be comfortable in your house if you have a new AC. You can rely on your brand-new air conditioner to consistently deliver cool, refreshing air throughout your home. Say goodbye to... View Article

The Benefits of Timely HVAC Repair in Tampa, FL

July 1, 2019

Even with annual maintenance appointments, air conditioners can still malfunction from time to time, trapping you in a sweltering house with no relief from the scorching summer temperatures. We may be biased, but we think you should always call an HVAC repair company as soon as you notice that your system is acting funny. This post will cover the benefits of calling for HVAC repair in Tampa, FL as soon as possible: Improved performance: Chances are, your HVAC unit won’t just up and quit working out of the blue. Instead, it’ll start to perform worse and worse over a period... View Article

How to Prepare Your Home for Air Conditioner Installation in Tampa, FL

June 14, 2019

Purchasing a brand-new air conditioning unit is a big decision, and a significant investment for your home or business. But choosing and paying for the equipment is only one step in the process—you also have to schedule a time for an HVAC crew to come through and install your new air conditioner. In most cases, the installation process will generally last one to three days, depending on the type of system or unit, the ease of access to the installation site and your schedule. Some amount of preparation on your part can help the job run smoothly and quickly. Below... View Article

Questions Your HVAC Contractor in Tampa, FL Should Ask You Before a System Upgrade

May 31, 2019

Upgrading or replacing your home’s heating and cooling system is an investment, as well as something you want to last for a long time. In order to choose the best option for your household, you need to ask your HVAC company questions and gather important information. That said, there are actually also some questions your HVAC contractor in Tampa, FL should be asking you. What are your comfort levels? The contractor will want to know what makes you comfortable indoors so he or she can determine the best size system for your home and needs. When asked, think back to... View Article

Kenny's Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc.