Ductwork Insulation Tips for Reducing Noise

November 21, 2022

Home is where the heart is, and businesses are where the money is made. Yet, at the same time, homes and many other buildings can be loud, chaotic places. That’s why more and more folks are looking to soundproof their residencies and businesses. Anyone looking for peace and quiet needs to consider how to soundproof HVAC systems.

First, HVAC systems can generate a lot of noise on their own. The air conditioning motor or heat unit may produce a lot of noise while delivering hot or cold air. In some cases, the noise may be so loud that you’ll struggle to sleep at night or may have difficulty focusing in your office. Fortunately, you can take steps to reduce the noise generated by HVAC systems.

HVAC systems may also allow sound originating from outside the system to travel through the ductwork. For example, someone might be listening to a television in their bedroom. The soundwaves from the TV may reach the ductwork and then travel to the home office next door.

Insulate the Entire Duct System

Unfortunately, ducts often offer easy pathways for soundwaves. A well-insulated wall may block soundwaves, but if ducts are present and not designed to reduce noise, the waves can easily travel past even the best sound-insulated walls via the ductwork. Increasing insulation makes it possible to reduce the amount of noise coming from the ducts.

Duct liners are often a big help. Further, when you insulate ducts, you not only reduce sound but also reduce wasted hot or cold air. In the long run, this could lower utility bills.

It’s also smart to check for gaps or leaks within the HVAC system. It’s wise to work with experienced HVAC professionals who can examine the ductwork to identify and seal gaps and leaks. Once sealed, the overall system will likely produce less sound. Soffits are another option. Essentially, you’ll enclose the ductwork with a soffit, which will act as a barrier to sound, dampening it.

Remove or Adjust the Vents

One of the simplest things you can try is to simply adjust the vents. Vents restrict the flow of air, which is useful in many situations. However, the blockage may also generate noise. If adjusting the vents doesn’t provide relief, homeowners can try simply removing them.

Duct Silencers

Fans are often among the biggest noise generators, at least as far as HVAC systems are concerned. Fortunately, a duct silencer can be placed next to the fan. This silencer will essentially act as both an air filter and sound absorber, reducing the noise generated by the fan.

Use Vent Covers

A vent cover may provide relief if only one or two vents are causing the disturbance. These covers fit snuggly over the vent and can reduce the sound emanating from them. If you block too many vents, however, it can disrupt airflow and perhaps even damage your HVAC system.

Ultimately, the best options for reducing noise depend on the specifics of the HVAC system and building. Home and business owners should consider partnering with HVAC professionals who can provide expert insights and minimize disturbances. Want to soundproof your air vents and ductwork fast? Contact HVAC professionals right away.

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Kenny's Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc.