An Overview of Common Types of Furnace Repair

December 6, 2019

As with any mechanical piece of equipment, there are a variety of things that can go wrong with your furnace at any given time. As such, it’s important to have developed a working relationship with technicians offering furnace repair in Tampa, FL, so you’re not left without heat when you need it.

Here are a few examples of some of the most common types of issues that result in a need for furnace repair, and what you should know about them:

  • Filter clogs: Over the course of time, your furnace filter will get clogged up with all the dust and debris it filters out of the air. Clogged-up filters will significantly reduce the efficiency of your furnace, as it will need to work much harder to push air through the filter and heat up your home. This can result in damage to various parts of the system, including the motor’s limit switch, as the system will essentially be working in overdrive. This is one of the simplest aspects of furnace maintenance you can perform yourself, but a failure to keep up with it could result in significant professional repairs being necessary.
  • Part replacements: You can expect some parts of your furnace system to deteriorate over time with regular use. Parts that get the most wear and tear include belts, bearings, switches, fan blades, burners, motors and pilots. You should make it a point to check these components regularly to ensure they are in good condition.
  • Ignition repairs: If you begin to have ignition problems, it will make it difficult for the furnace to create enough heat to push through your home, even if the other parts of your system are in good shape. There are several different parts of ignition systems, and if you aren’t getting the level of heat you need from your furnace, ignition repairs may be required.
  • Thermostat repairs: In some cases, the problems you’re experiencing with heating in your home might lie with the thermostat rather than with the furnace. The thermostat is basically the furnace’s brain—it tells the furnace the temperature you need to keep in your home and regulates how often the furnace will run to maintain that temperature. If you’re having thermostat issues, then the furnace isn’t going to be able to receive the proper instructions to operate according to your wishes. Thermostat problems should be handled by a professional. There may be a problem with the wiring or the connection to the furnace, or with the thermostat hardware itself.
  • Strange noises: One of the most common reasons people call in for furnace repair is if they have issues with strange noises emanating from their furnace. These noises are usually signs that there are loose components in the furnace, or that outside fragments have somehow gotten into the system.

For more information about some of the most common furnace repairs in Tampa, FL and how to remedy them, reach out to the technicians at Kenny’s Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc. today.

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Kenny's Air Conditioning & Heating Services, Inc.